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"O LORD, revive thy work in the midst of the years, . . . in wrath remember mercy" (Habakkuk 3:2).
"Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?" (Psalm 85:6)
Sarah is so tough that she inspired a new tongue-in-cheek Web site (, which parallels the "Chuck Norris Facts" folklore Web site ( It gives some mythical, yet complimentary "facts" about Sarah Palin's life, potential, character and career.
-- And my favorite: Sarah Palin is courageous and tough enough to shave Chuck Norris's beard -- and face off against his third fist disguised as a chin.
The aim of the £4.4billion experiment is to recreate the conditions that existed a fraction of a second after the Big Bang – the birth of the universe – and provide vital clues to the building blocks of life.
It will track the spray of particles thrown out by collisions in a search for the elusive Higgs Boson, a theoretical entity that supposedly lends weight, or mass, to the elementary particles. So important is this mysterious substance that it has been called the ‘God Particle’.
‘Nothing will happen for at least four years,’ he said. ‘Then someone will spot a light ray coming out of the Indian Ocean during the night and no one will be able to explain it.The other scientist is from Hawaii.
‘A few weeks later, we will see a similar beam of particles coming out of the soil on the other side of the planet. Then we will know there is a little quasar inside the planet.’
Prof Rossler said that as the spinning-top-like quasar devoured the world from within, the two jets emanating from it would grow and catastrophes such as earthquakes and tsunamis would occur at the points they emerged from the Earth.
Meanwhile Dr Walter Wagner, an American scientist who has been warning about the dangers of particle accelerators for 20 years, is awaiting a ruling on a lawsuit he filed a fortnight ago in his home state of Hawaii.
He fears the experiments might unwittingly create something he calls a ‘strangelet’ that could result in a fusion reaction that might ultimately turn the Earth into a supernova, or an exploding star.
An estimated 500,000 Afghan families support themselves by raising poppies, according to the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime. Last year those growers received an estimated $1 billion for their crops—about $2,000 per household.The man in the article is selling his 9 year old daughter to a 45 year old man because he owed $2000. Oh he tried to flee but was caught and forced by tribal elders to give his little girl away.
Wheat or corn brings $250 an acre at best, while poppy growers can expect 10 times that much. Besides, poppies are more dependable: hardier than either wheat or corn and more tolerant of drought and extreme heat and cold. And in a country with practically no government-funded credit for small farmers, opium growers can easily get advances on their crops.So what we have here is a situation where a man trying to make $2000 growing poppies has his crops destroyed and is forced to turn over his 9 year old baby girl to some lecherous 45 year old drug lord and it is all legitimized by Islamic law. My sympathy lies only with the little girl who will have her life destroyed because her father didn't think raising wheat would support his ten kids but facilitating the making of opium and heroin to ruin other lives would.
6. Representatives from 50 of the 57 United States were in attendance.
4. Estimates indicate that the 20,000+ protesters and activists who spent the entire week at the Democratic National Convention combined for a total of three missed days of work, costing the American economy a staggering $6.55 an hour.