Because Everybody Is Entitled To My Opinion

"O LORD, revive thy work in the midst of the years, . . . in wrath remember mercy" (Habakkuk 3:2).
"Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?" (Psalm 85:6)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

End of Thursday Thirteen

When I took my hiatus back in the Summer, I stopped participating in the Thursday Thirteen. When I started up blogging again I couldn't find the time needed to do the meme on a weekly basis. I told myself that I would start fresh and anew in 2009. Well it seems that the T13 people have decided they will no longer maintain the meme hub. So after 175 weeks, Thursday Thirteen has come to an official end. It may be possible that someone else may step up and take over the duties, after all the people who ran it recently took it over from the original founder. If that happens then I will no doubt start participating in 2009 like I planned. If not I have over 80 posts of lists of 13s in my archive. some were a lot of fun.  Click on the Thursday Thirteen label to see them. : Official Thursday Thirteen Blog Meme Hub


Anonymous said...

I just found out about's rather sad.

Oh well.

Norma said...

I wondered what happened. I wrote a TT without checking after many months of not participating, and it was gone! But you can stop by and learn about 13 things to do in central Ohio this winter.

Anonymous said...

I was all geared up to participate in 2009 too! Bummer....I will probably post my list anyone on Thursday, just for fun....