Thursday Thirteen #80
13 Things About Dane Bramage
13 Memorial Day Memories
I had a wonderful Memorial Day so I thought I would share 13 highlights with you;
- Sleeping In All the way to 10:00. A pleasure I only get on holidays.
- Long Hot Shower The kids never sleep in so they were up at dawn's crack and long gone to terrorize the neighborhood by the time I got to the shower. Plenty of hot water and no rushing to be late for work.
- Blogging I am terrible about blogging on holidays especially ones that fall on Saturday or Sunday. I made an effort this year to post about Memorial Day. Especially after the great sermon Pastor preached Sunday morning about remembering.
- Rush to the Store The new Sav-A-Lot to get hot dog and hamburger buns. Plus I was having severe Coca Cola withdrawal symptoms.
- The Invitation A friend from church called and invited me to join him and his family at Progressive Field to watch the Cleveland Indians play. He had special tickets good for extra innings.
- The Preparation My step-dad had barbecued all day Sunday. My niece had been cooking Sunday and since 5:00am on Monday. She has announced that there will never bee another holiday cookout that she will be in charge of.
- The Meal There was steaks, pork chops, spare ribs, hamburgers, hot dogs, collard greens, macaroni and cheese, baked beans, potato salad, pop, and cake.
- Nuclear Destruction of My Enemies I played a relaxing game of Supreme Commander which has more nuclear explosions than any computer game ever made.
- Rush to the Store The new Sav-A-Lot to get paper towels, paper napkins, and more charcoal before "they" arrived.
The FamilyFaceless Hordes that Descended Like Locusts Upon My Home Oh they started coming and they just kept coming and coming and coming. Arrrgh!- Hasty Retreat to the Environs of Garfield Heights With my exit strategy announced in advanced I drove off to where my friend and his family lives. From there it was just a quick 15 minute trip to downtown Cleveland and Progressive Field. Well a 30 minute trip since we had to turn around and go back and get the tickets that were still on the computer desk in his den.
- An Exciting Sports Spectacle Eleven innings of nail biting excitement as the Tribe led the game, let Chicago tie, then lost spectacularly in the twelfth inning by THREE runs. At least there were fireworks.
- Returning Home After Midnight I arrived to a quiet house, kids asleep. Good thing I had set aside a couple of pork chops and a burger, some mac and cheese and potato salad, because there was not a drop of food left in the pans. I resisted buying food at the stadium even though it was "Dollar Dog Night" and Sugardale sold over 37,000 hot dogs. I knew there would be a big plate of seconds for me carefully hidden in my office.
I had a great holiday which actually started Friday when I took an extra day off from work. We had a great Saturday preparing things and Sunday services were awesome! And I did take time to think about the men and women who sacrificed their lives so I could enjoy my long weekend in the greatest country on Earth! How was your holiday?
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I loved your list! I can SO relate to the "decending locusts"! LOL. Hope your week is peaceful.
wow... sounds like a great day you had! Sleeping in, long hot shower, and lovely meal? Perfect!
That sounds like one helluva day!
Great memories!
Sounds like you had a great holiday weekend. Happy T13!
Nice take on TT. I'm glad you had a nice holiday weekend packed with activities. As for me, a quite day at home. Didn't go out of the house. Saved some gasoline, lol. Thanks for visiting me today.
Holidays though not all FUN are such a welcome break form the norm:)
Mmmmmmmm..... pork chops, burgers, hot dogs...wow..next year, I'm coming to your house for the BBQ! :)
Your list of food made me HUNGRY! Hey, I slept till 10 AM on Memorial Day too...what a great feeling!
I spent most of the weekend remembering. I was surrounded by family and friends who left me alone to be quiet when I needed it and also helped me to laugh and enjoy the day. On Monday it rained - HARD - most of the day. We were driving home in the rain and sometimes lost visibility because of the rain. It was good to be back home. =)
Sounds like a great holiday!
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