Ever since May I have been unable to bring myself to post anything. Oh it is not that liberals in general and the Democrats specifically haven't done anything blogworthy, they have and there are tons of steaming piles of examples to list and poke fun of. But something has sapped my will to blog. Could it be that deep down I know that even if I shine the light of truth and logic on the deeds of Obama, Pelosi and their ilk it doesn't change the fact that they are still in control and still dragging this country straight to Hell? Certainly something to ponder, or tell a shrink.
I am not without hope however. Midterm elections loom before us and maybe Americans will come to their senses and vote the rascals out. I see a lot of support for peole who want to undo Obamacare, and step back from the brink of socialism. Let's hope they have enough support to win in November.
Meanwhile I will have to deal with my POSD or "Post Obama Stress Disorder". He's in charge so it's all his fault right?
"O LORD, revive thy work in the midst of the years, . . . in wrath remember mercy" (Habakkuk 3:2).
"Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?" (Psalm 85:6)
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Five Years Ago Today..
I started this blog. Yea me! Well I don't keep it updated as much as I would like and I am at a complete loss as to why. I WANT to blog but I don't seem to have the same zeal I did when I started 5 years ago. Could it be that the state of politics in the world and specifically in the U.S. has drained my will to not only post but to live as well? I think that's a big part of it. All I can do about it is to press on.
I plan to stick around for awhile and I promise to post more.
I plan to stick around for awhile and I promise to post more.
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
He's Not Afraid of All Those Swiss Army Knives
Qaddafi Calls for Jihad on Swiss for Minaret Ban

The Libyan Loon has decided that Switzerland is an enemy to the Islamic people and is calling for Jihad(holy war) against the little European nation.
Muammar Qaddafi also urged Muslims everywhere to boycott Swiss products and to bar Swiss planes and ships from the airports or seaports of Muslim nations.
"Those who destroy God's mosques deserve to be attacked through jihad, and if Switzerland was on our borders, we would fight it," Qaddafi was quoted by Libya's official news agency JANA as saying. He spoke before a gathering marking the birthday of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad in the Libyan city of Benghazi.
Swiss Foreign Ministry spokesman Lars Knuchel declined to comment on Qaddafi's call for a holy war against the neutral Alpine republic.
In November, Swiss voters overwhelmingly approved a constitutional ban on minarets, in a controversial decision that put Switzerland at the forefront of a European backlash against a growing Muslim population.
In case you didn't know, minarets are towers usually with balconies from which the call to prayer is made.

The minaret has been used for centuries by muezzins (Arabic mu'adhdhinun, Muslim criers) for the call to daily prayers, but its original use is unclear. The earliest mosques in Arabia had no minaret, and the first towers in seventh-century Cairo (Egypt) and Damascus (Syria) may not have been built expressly for the call.Swiss officials declare that the ban in no way inhibits muslims from practicing their religion. But the ban on minarets is viewed by many as the most extreme reaction to European concerns about growing muslim populations.
Minarets have been designed in many styles over time and space. Early ones were often square or octagonal, some with winding exterior staircases, while the sixteenth-century Ottomans built needle-thin, cylindrical minarets with conical peaks. Today, the muezzin does not always climb the minaret to call for prayers; minarets are often outfitted with loudspeakers.
— Elizabeth Thompson at Answers.com
(Hat Tip:Barking Moonbat Early Warning System)
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Great Superbowl Ad
Well this ad had an impact that's for sure. Even the pro-abortion crowd hailed it as "brilliant".
I thought the ads was very sweet. Tim and his mom were very likable and I think most people watching were glad Pam Tebow did not abort her miracle baby.
But the the pro-abortion crowd was not done. After the ad aired on Sunday, NOW president Terry O'Neil denounced it as promoting violence against women because the football player, tackled his mom.
David Gibson of Politics daily agrees with Emanuel's analysis
He says the pro-life message "won big" because Focus on the Family "realized that having everyone talk about you is every bit as important as actually doing or saying something controversial."
"For weeks before the big game, the controversy over CBS' decision to reverse its previous policy barring advocacy ads to air the ad against abortion had sent Pam Tebow's story ricocheting around the Internet," he noticed.
"The pushback only generated more support for Tebow and Focus and their message, and had anti-abortion types crowing about how Pam Tebow would be discussing her difficult choice for life and urging Americans to fight abortion," he said of the reaction to pro-abortion groups attacking the ad.
Even though the ad never mentioned abortion, "everyone knew what the ad was about and the ad didn't have to say anything directly -- which is the definition of the perfect advocacy ad."
I thought the ads was very sweet. Tim and his mom were very likable and I think most people watching were glad Pam Tebow did not abort her miracle baby.
But the the pro-abortion crowd was not done. After the ad aired on Sunday, NOW president Terry O'Neil denounced it as promoting violence against women because the football player, tackled his mom.
That was too much for NOW president Terry O'Neill, who told the Los Angeles Times the ad glorified violence against women: "I am blown away at the celebration of the violence against women in it. That's what comes across to me even more strongly than the anti-abortion message. I myself am a survivor of domestic violence, and I don't find it charming. I think CBS should be ashamed of itself." (snip)You can see the whole article here.
Several newspaper columnists are taking issue with her response and Joe Henderson of the Tampa Tribune said it "trivializes real problems" women face with authentic domestic violence. (snip)
George Diaz of the Orlando Sentinel also took issue with NOW's president.
"Crazy me, I thought we could agree that the Tim Tebow pro-life ad was a nice, family-friendly commercial that in no way could be deemed offensive. I was wrong," he writes. "There’s always a lunatic fringe, ready to scream and yell. Say hello to NOW president Terry O’Neill."
"No, you should be ashamed of yourself for not having a clue. This is why our country is so polarized -- because nitwits like you are so obsessed with your point of view that you have no tolerance for anyone who may disagree with you," Diaz continues.
Friday, February 05, 2010
I Can't Wait For The Superbowl!
I can't wait for the Superbowl this Sunday. Honestly I couldn't tell you who was playing or what kind of seasons each team had. My interest in pro football is usually confined to whether the Browns beat Pittsburgh and Baltimore. Beyond that it trails off significantly.
No my interest in the the Superbowl, keen enough for me to TiVo it, concerns the Superbowl Ads. Every year, I go online after the game and view the ads and many of them are quite clever. But this year I will record them just to catch a single ad. And ad that has stirred up much controversy and is causing liberal women's groups' collective heads to explode. I am talking about Focus on the Family's ad featuring Tim Tebow and his courageous mom who will tell how she, despite recommendations from her doctor to abort Tim for her own health's sake, decided to carry her now famous son to term. This act of pro choice (she chose life) has got NOW in a lather. They have denounced the ad, without even seeing it, as devisive and hurtful to women. The fact that this ad has all these whiny liberal pro-abortion types crying foul only makes me want to see it that much more. The reaction only shows the hypocrisy of "pro-choice". Mrs. Tebow chose life and apparantly she is NOT allowed to speak of her choice because according to the National Organization of Women she didn't choose correctly. And her wrong choice will divde American women who watch it during the Superbowl.
The only way that makes sense is that NOW and PP are afraid that women moved by Mrs. Tebow's testimony may choose life. And while rational thinking human beings still regard this as a choice, NOW doesn't. To them the only choice is murder. And they are so determined that no other point of view be heard that they have petitioned and threatened CBS about airing the ad.
Did I mention that Mrs. Tebow and her son are both Christians? And that Tim has a testimony of being celebate and is waiting until he gets married before having sex? He also puts Bible verses in his eye black during football games? To me that explains the intensity of the hatred and venom of those opposing him and the ad that will air this Sunday. I can't wait.

No my interest in the the Superbowl, keen enough for me to TiVo it, concerns the Superbowl Ads. Every year, I go online after the game and view the ads and many of them are quite clever. But this year I will record them just to catch a single ad. And ad that has stirred up much controversy and is causing liberal women's groups' collective heads to explode. I am talking about Focus on the Family's ad featuring Tim Tebow and his courageous mom who will tell how she, despite recommendations from her doctor to abort Tim for her own health's sake, decided to carry her now famous son to term. This act of pro choice (she chose life) has got NOW in a lather. They have denounced the ad, without even seeing it, as devisive and hurtful to women. The fact that this ad has all these whiny liberal pro-abortion types crying foul only makes me want to see it that much more. The reaction only shows the hypocrisy of "pro-choice". Mrs. Tebow chose life and apparantly she is NOT allowed to speak of her choice because according to the National Organization of Women she didn't choose correctly. And her wrong choice will divde American women who watch it during the Superbowl.
The only way that makes sense is that NOW and PP are afraid that women moved by Mrs. Tebow's testimony may choose life. And while rational thinking human beings still regard this as a choice, NOW doesn't. To them the only choice is murder. And they are so determined that no other point of view be heard that they have petitioned and threatened CBS about airing the ad.
Did I mention that Mrs. Tebow and her son are both Christians? And that Tim has a testimony of being celebate and is waiting until he gets married before having sex? He also puts Bible verses in his eye black during football games? To me that explains the intensity of the hatred and venom of those opposing him and the ad that will air this Sunday. I can't wait.
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Milestone and Apology
Okay according to sitemeter, Some time yesterday I had my 50,000th visitor. Yeah me! I find that amazing but also humbling given that last year I only posted 21 items. Now I am sure that my return visitors are probably next to non-existent. And for some reason DOZENS of people show up to see my friend Scott's zipper!
But the numbers are not why I decided to blog in the first place. I think I have something to say and by golly you had better listen!(or don't! It is a free country after all)
I think that with 2010 and the start of a new decade I will renew my pledge to no one in particular, to point out liberal lunacy, hypocrisy and general moonbattery. At the same time exalting Christ and Christian moral values. I have already made some template changes and promise to devote more time and energy to this and and my other blog.
And I hope that the number of returning readers increase. Not that there is anything wrong with people coming to see Scott'sstupid zipper tat tastefully thought out and beautifully drawn tattoo. And thank you Scott for being a faithful returning reader.

I think that with 2010 and the start of a new decade I will renew my pledge to no one in particular, to point out liberal lunacy, hypocrisy and general moonbattery. At the same time exalting Christ and Christian moral values. I have already made some template changes and promise to devote more time and energy to this and and my other blog.
And I hope that the number of returning readers increase. Not that there is anything wrong with people coming to see Scott's
Backdoor Taxes to Hit Middle Class
I was cruising my blogroll, When I came across a piece by Ace over at Ace of Spades HQ. While President Obama promises to only tax "the wealthy", by letting Bush era tax cuts expire without renewing them he will create a "Stealth Tax Hike" on the middle class. Ace points out the story was on Reuters but is now gone.

Fortunately for now the story can be seen at Yahoo Canada.
So without technically raising taxes, the Obama administration plans to increase tax revenue by allowing your tax rate to go up on its own. He can of course then claim he kept at least one promise.
So what does this mean to me and you at the end of 2010?
So there you have it. Obama is so good he can raise taxes without doing a thing. That must make him some sort of god in liberal tax and spend circles.

Fortunately for now the story can be seen at Yahoo Canada.
In the 2010 budget tabled by President Barack Obama on Monday, the White House wants to let billions of dollars in tax breaks expire by the end of the year -- effectively a tax hike by stealth.
So without technically raising taxes, the Obama administration plans to increase tax revenue by allowing your tax rate to go up on its own. He can of course then claim he kept at least one promise.
So what does this mean to me and you at the end of 2010?
If the provisions are allowed to expire on December 31, the top-tier personal income tax rate will rise to 39.6 percent from 35 percent. But lower-income families will pay more as well: the 25 percent tax bracket will revert back to 28 percent; the 28 percent bracket will increase to 31 percent; and the 33 percent bracket will increase to 36 percent. The special 10 percent bracket is eliminated.
So there you have it. Obama is so good he can raise taxes without doing a thing. That must make him some sort of god in liberal tax and spend circles.
Where Are We Going And Why Are We In This Handbasket?
Well it is time for the first installment of 2010 of WAWGAWAWITH. Todays post is cutesy of Right Wing News Columnist Dr. Melissa Clouthier. In her post Abnormal Psychology Exists: You Are A Woman If You Give Birth. Period. she brings to light the situation of a legally married gay couple. Both born women and Thomas is transgendered while Scott, after having her 36DDD breasts removed, could not afford the gender reassignment surgery and thus has lived as a man in appearance only. They are legally married because some loophole where Scott, born Jessica, retained female status by virtue of her birth certificate.
Well the happy couple have decided to have a child. Scott is pregnant via sperm donation and is due to deliver next month in England. The California couple already has two sons from husband Thomas' previous relationship with a woman who has since died. Got it?
Clouthier says:
Well the happy couple have decided to have a child. Scott is pregnant via sperm donation and is due to deliver next month in England. The California couple already has two sons from husband Thomas' previous relationship with a woman who has since died. Got it?
Clouthier says:
You know, there is such thing as abnormal psychology. This is NOT NORMAL. It is one thing to move to Funky Town. It's another thing to start a family there and bring children into this disordered environment.Amen Dr. Clouthier, Amen.
Pretending that this is not so is akin to the government pretending that a dude with the name Mohammed who acts weird, says he wants to blow things up and then does it, isn't a terrorist.
Society cannot function if we don't have some agreement on what is acceptable social norms. Freaks do not tend to build society, they tend to be around the edges eating away at its success.
Where Are We Going
Friday, January 29, 2010
Headlines For Friday 1-29-2010

- Leader slaughters goats to ward off evil? Obama's efforts failed as McCain-Feingold is overturned, Scott Brown is elected, and Health reform is killed.
- German pensioner torches car battling frost Insert your own joke about a Hot Rod here...
- Prisoners dance for Jackson DVD When asked to comment the late entertainer said "Brains....BRAAAAIIIINS......!
- Pope John Paul II Whipped Himself as Act of Penance, Book Claims Book also says pontiff handcuffed himself and was fond of latex clothing.
- Alien Life Could Already Be on Earth, Say Scientists Obama reassures world that Pelosi was born here.
- Cops stop cyclist with butcher knife-pool cue axe Police come under fire for using non-standard law enforcement weapons.
- Jury considers if Kansas abortion slaying was murder Why does no one consider if Abortion is murder?
- Health Bill 'On Life Support' After Obama Appeal Republicans ask that the bill be given the same treatment the average American would receive under the bill and pull the plug!
- Bin Laden Blames U.S. for Global Warming in New Tape Claims he wants to destroy America to save the polar bears
- Pa. woman manages to crash car into her own home A remarkable accomplishment since she was aiming for the neighbors house

That's all for now. Check back again for more headliney goodness.
Technorati tag: Humor Headlines
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
15 Year-Old Girl To Be Executed For Converting To Christianity; Asks Obama For Help
I found this at Atlas Shrugs via The Jawa Report.
Not surprising that it was Fox News that carried the story. No other media outlet dared mention it. Americans are blissfully ignorant of the plight of Christians in Muslim nations and China. Converts to Christianity are being murdered and most people in this country haven't a clue.
Not surprising that it was Fox News that carried the story. No other media outlet dared mention it. Americans are blissfully ignorant of the plight of Christians in Muslim nations and China. Converts to Christianity are being murdered and most people in this country haven't a clue.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
A Quick Word about Comments
I think word verification and IDs hinder the free flow of ideas between intelligent people. Unfortunately it is morons who spam comments that make such steps necessary. Shame too, since I am about 75 days away from my SIXTH blogaversary and hadn't until now needed to take such measures. I apologize for the extra step.
I Feel Much Better About Tomorrow
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Yesterday was the federal holiday known as Martin Luther King’s Birthday, a day set aside to honor the birth of a man who did much for the people of this nation; all people not just black people. I have posted about Dr. King before and have said before that many of the opportunities that I have had which led me to where I am today are due in part to the work of Dr. King.
So I was enjoying my day off from work and thinking about Dr. King and our first Black President (if you don’t count Bill Clinton who claimed the title for himself). President Obama would not be President now if it weren’t for the struggles of Dr. King. The President made speeches and served food in a homeless shelter and dedicated a copy of the Emancipation Proclamation to the memory of Dr. King.

I found the President’s activities curious. You see I think if Dr. Martin Luther King were alive today, he would have little to do with and little good to say about Barack Hussein Obama. Dr. King’s approach to social change was to make America actually live up to the beliefs it professed. A copy of the Constitution would have been more appropriately displayed in the White House since it gave and guarantees freedom for all men born in this country, not the Emancipation Proclamation. President Obama wants to force change down the throats of Americans. And he is not above back room deal making to forward his socialist agenda. He has little respect for the Constitution.
And that point would be the biggest split between Dr. King and President Obama. I believe Dr. King would insist that Barack Obama prove beyond all doubt that he IS an American Citizen and therefore qualifies to be President. I think he would call on the President to cease the closed door sessions of congress on Obamacare and live up to his promise of transparency in government.
Of course I can’t prove any of this. Dr. King was human and had his failings. Had he lived until today would he be as respected as he was in the late sixties or would he be a politically impotent has-been like Jesse Jackson and other survivors of that time?
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