Lyn over at
Bloggin Outloud likes to see which search strings leads traffic to his site. Well apparently “diaper cakes” has led someone to this blog. And they could not say enough good things about it as evidenced by this email I received from a Mr. Diaper King:
Hello ##NAME##, what a great blog! I can't believe the fantastic ideas you come up with! My baby gift site is a little off your topic but something I believe you may find interesting. I was searching for diaper cakes when I stumbled across your site. Keep up the creative thinking and I will be back to check this out again. Let's say a prayer for our boys in Iraq and hope for the best.
Well there you have it. Unsolicited testimonial that I, ##NAME##, have a great blog with fantastic ideas, at least about diaper cakes. (Honestly I don’t think I want to know the list of ingredients for a diaper cake.) Well I would reply to Mr. Diaper King but he didn’t leave a usable email address. And I really can’t find which post of mine mentioned diaper cakes, or cakes and diapers. But thanks to Mr. Diaper King, people looking for diaper cakes should just flock here in droves because of this post. And just so they won't be too disappointed, I, ##NAME##, have found a picture of a diaper cake. (It is from Mr. Diaper King’s site. But since he gave me a bad URL in the email I "can’t" link directly to it.)
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