With school scarcely out, we decided to host the biggest Vacation Bible School in the area this week. We called it The Heritage 500, after our church, Heritage Baptist Church. We held classes and activities for four days from 3:00pm until 8:00pm (we the workers had to be there earlier and didn't get home afterwards until much later) Here are the busses from Monday bringing kids to our little country church in Magadore Village Ohio. Some of you are familiar with Northeast Ohio and will recognize the communities.
We reach Akron, Barberton, Kent, Revenna, and we have two busses that come from Canton. I am a Bus Captain (I drive a van since I lack a CDL) So I took two days of vacation to work 4 afternoons at VBS. Here's another shot of the busses.
More beneath the fold.
We chose a racing theme and taught messages all week about being in God's race. We wanted to attract as many teenagers as we possibly could. So we offered a prize.
This prize ('95 Firebird with T tops) comes with Drivers Ed donated by one of our sponsors and will be given away Sunday night after our annual Teen Rally. Teens 13-18 years old are eligible to win. I would love to say that we had so many teens we didn't know what to do with them but the car did not turn out to be as great a draw as we hoped.
Speaking of sponsors, Valvoline was more than happy to lend us this guy. He stands taller than our fellowship hall.
Other sponsors include Pepsi and McDonalds.
So as not to forget the little kids, we had a race oriented prize for them too. A brand new Go-kart.
Kids 4-12 years old were eleigible. We held the drawing Thursday. One lucky kid will get his go-kart delivered Saturday.
We also had a prize for one of the adults who attended our Wednesday night service during VBS.
Again you would think that a free car would pack them in but the parents we were trying to reach stayed away in droves. One lucky woman took home the Villager after the service.
I have more pictures and more to tell you but I am very tired. So there will be a part two.
UPDATE Crud. It looks like the "folding" technology i once employed no longer works. I will have to find a fix for it.
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