Part of the course was set up outside in such a way that if needed we could run the karts just on the inside if it rained.
All the racing flags were donated.
The kids spent their time in the tent according to shifts. The 6 - 12 year olds stayed in the tent to hear their second message.
While we didn't get the number of teenagers we looking for, we did have more kids than we did last year. Growth is a good thing. My duties, aside from transportation responsibilities as a Bus Captain included skit acting. Thankfully there are no pictures of me as Wonton Fooey and I think they neglected to record my rendition of "All My Children" meets "West Side Story". Beyond that I was on crowd control and a teacher's helper. I was glad I wasn't designated a "Baptism Floater". I'm not sure how we were suppose to take that title but I kept envisioning some hapless church member face down in the baptistery.
And just so you don't think crowd control was easy, imagine Tuesday, over 200 kids ages 4-12, hopped up on nachos and orange drink. Two police cruisers from the Brimfield Police Department just outside the tent. It was nearly impossible but we got all the kids out and in a nice group to watch the officers turn on the lights and sirens. Then one officer said over his loud speaker: "Hey kids, come on over and look inside the car."
Rookies. It was like standing in front of a heard of gazelle being chased by a cheetah. I was literally peeling kids off the car windows. The fingerprints were so thick you couldn't see inside the cruiser. I yelled until I was hoarse, "Go to your classroom". The reply was the same from every kid: "I didn't get to see the guns!"
After the flood of micro humanity receded there were two cops standing next to the cruiser wondering how a thirty pound body pulled a side view mirror off the car. Rookies. The Brimfield Fire Department had the right idea the day before. Keep the kids a good distance from the engine and fire the water cannon at them.
Wednesday the Brimfield Rescue unit came and talked to the kids. I wondered if the Coroner was going to put in an appearance on Thursday, but that's just how my mind works.
After it was said and done we had over 130 decisions for Christ and had baptized 112 kids and teens (we baptized 55 on Tuesday which may be a church record for most baptisms in a day.) In the end that is what is important.
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