Because Everybody Is Entitled To My Opinion

"O LORD, revive thy work in the midst of the years, . . . in wrath remember mercy" (Habakkuk 3:2).
"Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?" (Psalm 85:6)

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Woman Offended by Doc's Obesity Advice

Well if you haven't heard about it yet, you will. A woman in NH was told she was fat by her doctor. She got offended and filed a complaint!
Listen to me everyone. YOU DO NOT HAVE A GUARANTEED RIGHT TO GO THROUGH LIFE AND NOT BE OFFENDED! GET OVER YOURSELF! This woman is obviously some clueless moonbat who will unfortunately die from complications of being FAT. Dr. Bennett, told the woman
"I tried to get her attention. I told her, 'You need to get on a program, join a group of like-minded people and peel off the weight that is going to kill you.' "
That was the sane voice of reason trying to reach some numbskull who probably feels McDonalds is to blame for her problems, not the fact that she hasn't met a donut she didn't like. According to the article Bennett could lose his ability to practice in the state.

Before you start calling me a hater and tell me I don't know the hardships of dealing with weight problems, let me put you straight. I am overweight. I can't deny it. I never really thought about it until several years ago when my regular doctor went on sabatical. (WARNING: There are fat jokes below the fold! So if you get offended by them move on to the next post.)

The doctor he had fill in for him examined me and left a very interesting statement in my file. It started out "Kevin is an obese black man..." Funny thing though I didn't go screaming to the medical board looking for this man's head. I started to think about my condition and how it would affect the rest of my life. Unfortunately I didn't deal with it like I should have. Now I am reaping the dividends of my lifestlye. Diabetes and high blood pressure are my prevalent health issues today. Both are controlled thanks to an insulin pump and a boatload of pills. Now I need to bring my weight down and I find it is much harder now that a few years away from closing my first half century.

Things were much easier when I was 25 years old and lost 90 pounds. I was on Physicians Weight Loss plan for 19 weeks. I don't know why I was so disciplined then and not now. Needless to say I didn't maintain the loss and gained almost double the weight back.

Point is, when people notice I am fat I don't get offended. How does one get offended at truth? Dr. Bennett apologized to this woman in a letter. If she hasn't already, I think Dr. Bennett should tell her to find another doctor. It is obvious that she isn't going to listen to him and trying to sugar coat her condition so she isn't offended is far too much work.

And now that this woman has my dander up, It is time to let fly with the fat jokes. Please feel free to add your own in the comments.
  • That lady's SO FAT her school photograph was an aerial shot.

  • That lady's SO FAT at the table she sits next to everybody.

  • That lady's SO FAT her butt has its own congressman.

  • That lady's SO FAT her belly button doesn't have lint, it has sweaters.

  • That lady's SO FAT her belt size is "equator".

  • That lady's SO FAT her cereal bowl came with a lifeguard.

  • That lady's SO FAT her driver's license says "Picture continued on other side.
  • "
  • That lady's SO FAT I had to take a train and two buses just to get on her good side.

  • That lady's SO FAT she can't even jump to a conclusion.

  • That lady's SO FAT she caught a flesh-eating virus and was given 10 years to live.

  • That lady's SO FAT she could sell shade.

  • That lady's SO FAT she fills up the bath tub then turns on the water.

  • That lady's SO FAT she gets runs in her jeans.

  • That lady's SO FAT she has to iron her pants on the driveway.

  • That lady's SO FAT she has to put her belt on with a boomerang.

  • That lady's SO FAT she jumped into the air she got stuck.

  • That lady's SO FAT she makes free willy look like a tik-tak.

  • That lady's SO FAT she was born with a silver shovel in her mouth.

  • That lady's SO FAT she was walking down the street, I swerved to miss her and ran out of gas.

  • That lady's SO FAT she went to the movies and sat next to everyone.

  • That lady's SO FAT she's got her own zip code.

  • That lady's SO FAT she's got smaller fat women orbiting her.

  • That lady's SO FAT she's on BOTH sides of the family.

  • That lady's SO FAT the back of her neck looks like a pack of hot dogs.

  • That lady's SO FAT the last time she saw 90210 was on the scales.

  • That lady's SO FAT when she gets in an elevator, it HAS to go down.

  • That lady's SO FAT when she goes to a restaurant, she doesn't get a menu, she gets an estimate.

  • That lady's SO FAT when she goes to the zoo the elephants throw her peanuts.

  • That lady's SO FAT when she lies on the beach greenpeace comes along to tow her back into the sea.

  • That lady's SO FAT when she ran away, they had to use all four sides of the milk carton.

  • That lady's SO FAT when she turns around, people throw her a welcome back party.

  • That lady's SO FAT she’s taller lying down.

  • That lady's SO FAT she has to eat from a satellite dish.

Okay most of these you have probably seen before. So give me some new material!

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